One Canva feature that people often forget is its ability to make beautiful presentations. With tons of pre-made templates, Canva makes it easy to spice up even the most boring of topics. But, what do you do if you want to use Canva within Google Slides? How do you import them? To import Canva presentations …
There’s nothing worse than working hard on a pencil drawing, only to find it smudged in your sketchbook or hanging on the wall. Luckily, there are some easy ways to protect your pencil drawings from smudging. To protect your pencil drawings from smudging, spray them with a fixative. This will create a barrier between the …
Paper is such a key part of drawing, but it can easily be taken for granted. Especially with pen and ink, there’s a desire to just grab a stray piece of paper and get to work. Ink is simple, right? There’s no need for special paper. Wrong. It’s really important to choose the right type …
The art world is full of a lot of talent. There are a lot of skilled creators who seem to have an innate ability to dream of beautiful things and make them come to life. Sometimes it feels like people are born with this innate art bug or they’re not. The artwork is just THAT …
All artists, regardless of experience, use 5 basic skills when creating their drawings. These skills make up the foundation of creating any piece of art, whether it’s a landscape, portrait, still life, or cartoon. Looking at intricate drawings, it can be easy to forget that every great work starts with these 5 basic skills. The …
Whether you’re a seasoned graphic designer or not, curving text is something that most of us will need to do at some point in our design lives. Just look around and see how often it’s incorporated into the designs we see around us. Luckily, Canva DOES have a text curving option! There’s also a way …
Transparent overlays can add a lot of style and class to a design. They can be customized to match a brand’s color scheme, can tone down images so that words or elements pop, and let designers have more control over the colors that their designs highlight. In Canva, you can make a transparent overlay by …
The free version of Canva has a lot of capabilities. It’s an amazing, easy to use, free choice for designers. That said, one of the biggest features you lose by going with the free version as opposed to the Pro is being able to resize images. With the free version, you cannot change the size …
Having gridlines can be really helpful for making sure that all of your design elements are where you want them to be. To use gridlines in Canva, click on the button to add guides within the File menu. If you have a specific grid you want to use, customize your gridlines to determine your number …
We all know the cliche that practice makes perfect and that practicing a skill every single day would be great in a perfect, stress-free, unscheduled world. In reality, it’s hard to do. When it comes to drawing and art, how neurotic should you be about carving out some time every day to practice? Very neurotic. …