Learning to draw can feel like a long and slow process. But, it doesn’t have to be. With concentration and effort, there are ways to improve your drawing skills, fast. A lot of times, it’s just about practicing your drawing skills in the right way instead of the wrong way. To be clear, there isn’t …
Traditional Art
We all draw as kids. We take art classes in school, make cards for our parents around the holidays, and go to summer camps where we’re forced to be inspired by nature. But, at some point, we start doing other things. We take science classes, learn how to run a business, and get “serious” about …
You sit down with your art supplies, ready for creativity to strike, and your mind goes blank. Suddenly, you can’t even think of one thing you’d like to draw. Something challenging; something fun; something new. How do you figure out what to draw next when you have a complete artist’s block? If you have artist’s …
Shading is SO important for art, especially realistic. There are 5 distinct elements of shading that you need to know to be able to learn how to shade your art yourself. The five elements of shading are full light, halftone, shadow edge, reflected light, and cast shadow. Some of these five shading elements are on …
Drawing realistically can be really hard. Even though we look at the real world every day, it suddenly becomes a daunting task when we try to put it down on paper. Don’t worry though. If you’re wondering how to teach yourself to draw realistically, there are some tips and tricks that can give you a …
Jumping into drawing can seem like a daunting task. A lot of us get inspired to draw after looking at some amazing pieces of art from artists that have a number of years behind them. We go to grab our pencils and realize that we’re nowhere near that level. Suddenly, we’re really discouraged and want …
There’s nothing worse than working hard on a pencil drawing, only to find it smudged in your sketchbook or hanging on the wall. Luckily, there are some easy ways to protect your pencil drawings from smudging. To protect your pencil drawings from smudging, spray them with a fixative. This will create a barrier between the …
All artists, regardless of experience, use 5 basic skills when creating their drawings. These skills make up the foundation of creating any piece of art, whether it’s a landscape, portrait, still life, or cartoon. Looking at intricate drawings, it can be easy to forget that every great work starts with these 5 basic skills. The …
We all know the cliche that practice makes perfect and that practicing a skill every single day would be great in a perfect, stress-free, unscheduled world. In reality, it’s hard to do. When it comes to drawing and art, how neurotic should you be about carving out some time every day to practice? Very neurotic. …