If you’re selling your art and designs online, you need a good mockup service, especially if you’re selling with print on demand. PlaceIt has been one of the most popular mockup platforms and, in my opinion, it’s for a good reason.
PlaceIt is worth it to artists and designers who sell their art online, especially through print on demand platforms. PlaceIt has thousands of high quality mockups to choose from in dozens of product categories. They’ve also expanded their offerings to logos, videos, gaming, and more.
There is a LOT to choose from in the PlaceIt world. Seriously, when I use PlaceIt, I struggle to stay out of a blackhole of mockups. It’s just so fun to see my designs on all of their different options!
I’ve created a lot of PlaceIt mockups throughout my time as an online seller. Hands down, they’ve been my favorite place to turn to when I need unique, high quality, and fun mockups to showcase my work.
As an actual user of their service, here’s my honest opinion of why I love PlaceIt.
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you decide to purchase through my links.
The Price of a PlaceIt Subscription
Check out PlaceIt’s website to find their current pricing!
Now, regardless of price, is PlaceIt worth the price? Even a $1 subscription is too expensive if you don’t get any value from it.
Here’s how I think of a PlaceIt subscription: how many additional sales would you need to cover the cost of PlaceIt?
Will using PlaceIt mockups help with earning that additional sale? In my mind, the answer is yes. Just look at the mockup below of one of my products! It’s SO nice.
Some of my best selling products have used PlaceIt mockups. While I don’t have firm stats on the effectiveness of my PlaceIt vs non-PlaceIt mockups, I’m fairly certain that my PlaceIt mockups have earned me well.
For me, the PlaceIt subscription cost is worth it.
Also think about all of PlaceIt’s untapped potential. Could you justify the cost of PlaceIt if you actually took advantage of everything they have to offer?
Maybe you came to PlaceIt for mockups, but could also benefit from using their design templates, logos, and other products.
Even if you want to stay in the mockup world, are there ways you can use their mockups in different ways? I’ve really benefited from using PlaceIt’s mockups for Etsy instruction photos and marketing materials.
Think outside the box when considering everything that PlaceIt can do for your business. You might end up realizing that the price is a steal.
The Quality of PlaceIt Mockups
Despite their low price, PlaceIt’s mockups are not low quality. PlaceIt’s mockups are high quality and professionally made. In fact, their mockups are so well done that they don’t even look like mockups at all.High quality designs look natural and beautiful on PlaceIt’s mockups.
The goal with product mockups is for them to look real. When a buyer is looking at the products in your shop, you don’t want them distracted by the thought that your mockups are cheesy and low quality.
This is where PlaceIt SHINES! Their mockups are so natural and well-done that they don’t look like mockups at all. It looks like you went through the effort of doing a professional photo shoot of your product.
That’s what you want your mockups to look like, right?!
The natural nature of PlaceIt’s mockups is something that always blows me away. The photos are high quality and professionally shot. In addition, the designs look extremely natural on the models.
If a shirt has a wrinkle in it, PlaceIt will adapt the design to naturally flow within that wrinkle. If the model is standing at an angle, PlaceIt will shift the design so that it’s at the same angle.
There’s nothing that will kill your shop’s sales faster than bad mockups. Within a sea of competition, a good mockup can make the difference between a buyer clicking on your product vs. a competitor’s product. For me, as a seller, PlaceIt’s quality has been invaluable.
PlaceIt’s Mockup Categories
PlaceIt has mockups in a lot of categories. These categories include many types of apparel, computers, phones, iPads, books, flyers, posters, magazines, mugs, pillows, and so many more. PlaceIt has a very wide range of mockups to choose from.
I LOVE all of the mockup options that PlaceIt offers. If you need a mockup for something, there’s a good chance that PlaceIt has it.
Check out their website to see what they’re currently offering. You’ll want to look at their categories in real time because they’re adding to their catalog ALL the time. Just be careful. It’s easy to get caught up in all of their fun options and forget what else you were supposed to do with your morning.
Short of having the skills to offer a real time feed in this post, here’s a fairly inclusive list of the categories you can expect from PlaceIt:
–Face Masks
–Sports Bras
–Tank Tops
–App Demos
–iOS Screenshots
–iPad Mockups
–iPhone Mockups
–Business Cards
–Coffee Mugs
–Phone Cases
–Phone Grips
–Travel Mugs
–Wall Art
–Facebook Ads
Like I said, there are so many categories to choose from.
Within each category, PlaceIt has a lot of choices. At the time of this writing, when I type “Tshirt” into PlaceIt’s search bar, I get over 18k results.
A huge perk of having so many options is that you can choose a mockup that’s unique. Usually, I’ll scroll through multiple pages to find a mockup that I haven’t seen anywhere else across Etsy.
This helps my products standout and be different from all of the other listings using the same old mockups again and again across their stores.
With over 18k tshirt options, it’s likely you’ll be able to find a mockup that not only works for your design, but is also fresh and unique.
But, what about mockups beyond shirts?
Many of you likely landed on this article because you’re looking for product mockups. Maybe you have a print on demand store, or otherwise need to put your art on certain products without ordering a ton of samples.
That’s what we traditionally think of when we think of mockups.
With PlaceIt though, you can take your business to the next level if you think outside of the box.
When you sign up for a PlaceIt subscription, you’ll have access to EVERYTHING they have to offer. You might as well take advantage of it!
That’s what I did. Even though I primarily needed PlaceIt for product mockups for my PoD store, I decided to use their other mockups for educational and promotional materials.
For example, I used their MacBook mockup to create digital download instructions for my Etsy store. I also created promotional images I could use for my website.
Seriously, dive into EVERYTHING that PlaceIt offers. When I did, I realized that PlaceIt could offer my business a LOT more than just product mockups.
Once you start thinking outside of the box of product mockups, keep going! Get out of that tight little mockup box and continue to wander down the PlaceIt path. PlaceIt actually has a lot to offer outside of mockups altogether.
PlaceIt’s Non-Mockup Product Options
PlaceIt has design tools for t-shirts, logos, videos, social media, slideshows, and gaming. Looking outside of product mockups, PlaceIt has a lot to offer within the design space. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use design program to pair with your mockup program, PlaceIt is a great choice.
Do you want to design a t-shirt and create a mockup for it all in one place? Well, PlaceIt can do that.
Given that PlaceIt is such a shining star in the mockup world, their design tools often go unnoticed. They shouldn’t though. They actually have a robust offering of design tools that will make the cost of your PlaceIt subscription even more worth it.
I’ve been a big fan of Canva for a number of years now, so I don’t personally use PlaceIt’s design services very much.
That said, after dabbling with them a bit, I have to admit they’re pretty good. If you’re looking for templates, logos, and basic design services without getting another subscription to another platform, see if PlaceIt’s design services can serve your design needs.
Why PlaceIt is My Favorite Mockup Provider
In my opinion, PlaceIt offers a lot of value for a low price. PlaceIt has a wide variety of product mockups that look real, natural, and professional. They also offer design services that can be valuable for those looking for more than mockups.
Your product mockups can be a big deal when trying to win over a potential buyer. Personally, I have always felt that PlaceIt’s mockups give my listings a leg up.
Honestly, as an online seller myself, I have never regretted paying for PlaceIt. Their mockup service is undervalued given the service they provide.
If you want to try PlaceIt for yourself, you can sign up here. Then, start having fun making mockups!
Diana has been an artist for over 27 years and has training in drawing, painting, digital drawing and graphic design. Diana’s latest obsession is digitally drawing with Procreate and Procreate Dreams. Diana has experience selling her art across a number of platforms and loves helping other artists learn how to make money from their art as well.