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How to Zoom in Procreate without Rotating your Canvas

If you’re a Procreate artist like me, you get so into your work that you’re zooming and rotating your canvas all over the place.

You’re trying to zoom, but your finger pinch turns into a rotation. Suddenly, your canvas is zoomed in and upside down. Is that just me? 

Don’t get me wrong, I love that I can rotate and zoom my Procreate canvas with a simple pinch. It’s such a clean and smooth process! 

That said, there are times when I want to zoom without worrying that I’ll rotate my canvas in a funky way. Luckily, there’s a way to do that.

In this tutorial, we’ll be talking about how to zoom in or out on your canvas without rotating it.

Let’s walk through it, step-by-step.

1. Open the Actions menu and choose the Prefs submenu

procreate actions menu and prefs submenu dog drawing

2. Open the Gesture controls menu

procreate gesture controls menu dog drawing

3. In the Gesture controls menu, navigate to the General tab

procreate gesture controls general tab dog drawing

4. Toggle off the setting to allow rotation with pinch zoom

procreate gesture controls general tab pinch rotate and zoom dog drawing

Once you toggle off the setting that allows for rotation with pinch zoom, you’ll be able to zoom in and out on your canvas without having it rotate.

Give it a try by pinching your canvas. Pinch your fingers together to zoom out, and widen your fingers to zoom in.

If you have the rotation setting toggled off in your gesture controls, this pinching action will only zoom your canvas. It won’t rotate it at the same time.

Enjoy zooming!

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